Saturday, June 8, 2013

NOT my dream garden...

When my husband and I were just married and living in our country farm house our garden looked like this....

Raised beds
Honeysuckle arch
Grape arbor
and all the vegetables we could plant.

We were also surrounded by flowers of every sort.
Bleeding Heart
Blue Indigo
Sweet Peas.....

I could go on, and on, and on.....I'm a flower lover.

I loved being surrounded by nature and working hard to make something beautiful.

Now, 2 babies later,and a move to a small town, home and yard...if you can call it that.
Our garden looks like this....

Yikes! I know!
My husband and I weren't ready to completely give up our love of gardening. But due to lack of time, space, and the fact that most of our money is going to diapers and formula right now....this is what you get.
I have been impressed by how well our squash, zuccini, and cucumber are doing in....that's right folks....window boxes! They are self watering boxes that we had on our old house, but they are providing the plants with just the right amount of water, as you can see, they are thriving!

So while this isn't my dream garden. I am happy that my daughter went out and helped me plant seeds tonight. I am happy that we will have some fresh vegetables to feed our family. And I am happy that I haven't given up one of my passions, because life is crazy hectic and I need this.

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